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Oil & Gas Security

Our physical security solutions secure oil and gas assets and locations, and prevent global supply chain disruptions.

Securing Oil and Gas Worksites

Oil and gas facilities hold tremendous global value as the conduits through which nations acquire and distribute their energy resources. Yet the energy sector is a prime target for malicious actors, which makes protecting sensitive assets vitally important.

LenelS2’s physical security systems ensure that only authorized individuals can access oil and gas worksites. Video intelligence, artificial intelligence, and advanced access control work in tandem to keep valuable information from falling into the wrong hands.


Solving Oil and Gas Security Challenges


Poor configurations between physical security and cybersecurity systems can lead to exploitable vulnerabilities. Our solutions support mobile credentials, biometrics, and other advanced identity verification solutions, ensuring the proper integration of physical and cybersecurity measures.

AI/ML Automation

Our AI-backed solutions monitor real-time video feeds and automatically flag suspicious behavior, creating video intelligence. These AI solutions significantly reduce the number of false alarms that occur at the worksite and improve response times.

Risk Management Plan

Our solutions empower oil and gas companies to develop comprehensive risk management plans that outline the available countermeasures to respond to threats.


Video Intelligence

Video intelligence systems fit seamlessly into oil and gas security infrastructures, promoting enhanced situational awareness, and improved real-time threat detection.

Access Control

LenelS2’s oil and gas access control solutions synthesize data in a single interface to track every individual attempting to access a facility. With more than 200 product interfaces, companies can customize plus enhance their access control systems to their specific needs.


Our security solutions fully comply with onshore and offshore regulations administered by the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, and other governing bodies, plus adhere to stringent regulations set forth by the Department of Homeland Security (CFATS) plus the US Coast Guard (MTSA/TWIC).

Learn more about our security products