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BlueDiamond Wallet-Based Mobile Credential Solutions

Providing the ultimate seamless, secure, frictionless mobile access control experience

BlueDiamond Wallet-based Mobile Credential Solutions

BlueDiamond & Employee Badge in Apple Wallet

The BlueDiamond™ wallet-based mobile credential solution offers the security industry’s first full-stack, comprehensive NFC solution from a single provider, including credentials, readers, credential issuance, and credential management. Ubiquitous, frictionless, and the choice of a new generation of employees, visitors, vendors and students alike, LenelS2’s BlueDiamond wallet-based NFC mobile credential solution, featuring Employee Badge in Apple Wallet, fills the void left by other providers who provide only part of the complete, end-to-end mobile credential experience. This solution is currently available in North America.


BlueDiamond & Employee Badge in Apple Wallet Features & Benefits

Product Features

Convenience & Security
Now your organization can offer its employees and/or tenants the convenience of mobile credentialing on the Apple iPhone (and/or Apple Watch), while also moving away from the expense and tracking of printed badges. Credentials are securely and conveniently stored in the Apple Wallet.
Complete Credential Management
From mobile credential issuance, to management, to credential revocation, LenelS2’s wallet-based NFC mobile credential solution makes it easy to manage credentials across your entire organization. Issuance, delivery, management, and revocation can all be completed instantly!
Best Value
By selecting the BlueDiamond mobile credential ecosystem, your organization save money by avoiding multiple suppliers for the reader, the credential, and the access control system. LenelS2’s BlueDiamond wallet-based mobile credential solution delivers the value and simplicity only possible with a full-stack NFC solution.
Simplicity, Flexibility & Ubiquity
Your employees and/or tenants probably already manage most of their daily lives through their iPhones – calendar, contacts, web browsing, banking, purchases, payments, and more. Meet their evolving expectations by enabling their iPhone to be their mobile credential for your organization, further integrating, streamlining, and modernizing your access process for employees and/or tenants.
Easy Implementation
With LenelS2’s BlueDiamond NFC solution, it is easy to implement Employee Badge in Apple Wallet. Click here to see the few pre-requisites.
Migration Ease
In a legacy reader environment, begin by introducing BlueDiamond readers into the secured environment— configure your BlueDiamond readers to read legacy credentials. You can continue to issue legacy credentials while replacing your legacy readers, and there is no deadline for replacing your readers.
In a mixed-reader environment, all existing legacy readers must be replaced before issuing LenelS2 BlueDiamond NFC credentials to ensure that every issued credential works everywhere in the secured environment.
In a fully implemented Employee Badge in Apple Wallet environment, the legacy format can be turned off on all BlueDiamond readers once all legacy credentials have been replaced, completing the migration.
Leverage Existing BlueDiamond Investments
Any BlueDiamond Reader purchased can be updated to support NFC. This can be done through a remote update (OSDP file transfer) or a manual update (xFlash utility). Using BlueDiamond BLE Credentials today? Rest assured of an easy migration to NFC.

These products complement the BlueDiamond Wallet-based Mobile Credential Solution

BlueDiamond Multi-Tech Readers

BlueDiamond multi-technology readers are among the most versatile access control readers available.

Mobile App + Credentials

The BlueDiamond mobile app provides a touchless access experience by turning smartphones into secure access control devices.

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